My soul glorifies the Lord (Lk. 1:46-49) 

I am indeed blessed to be giving you a glimpse of Mother Kevin’s legacy in the past 100 years of this great institution. I find it a privilege to have stepped in the big shoes of Mother Kevin (as a Principal) and walked in her footsteps in the last 25 years (19962022) a quarter of a century! That is why i say that my soul glorifies the Lord. I do not take this chance for granted, because this journey has been a source of inspiration and learning into the very life of Mother Kevinc interesting but challenging at the same time. I have come to realize that Mother Kevin’s experience in Nsambya could not have been easier, indeed it should have been very hard considering the times during which this school was started. As Jesus said in (Jn 1 2:24), the grain of wheat has to die and be buried in the ground in order to grow and yield a good harvest. Mother Kevin and five other sisters left their home land (Ireland) and buried themselves in the dark continent of Africa, in the central region of Uganda in the early days of 1903. They straight away established a health care clinic under a mango tree, the birth place of Nsambya Hospital. It was not lang before the group realized that they could not handle the daily gathering of sick persons single handedly. Mother Kevin fronted the idea of starting to train the local girls in order to help mothers who were dying in childbirth. Although the church at the time restricted nuns to study/practice midwifery, in the course of the years, Rome relaxed this regulation. in the meantime, Mother Kevin met Dr. Evelyn Connoåy from England who heiped her to start the midwifery program in 1921. Twelve (12) young gifts braved the new course and qualified between 1921-1925. From then, the seed of wheat germinated to the present day Nsambya training school We are the seeds from the big harvest of Mother Kevin’s great efforts. 

Growth and further development of the school 

With time it became evident that other cadres were crucial in the care of the patients not only for the young and first growing Nsambya hospital but also for Catholic Network in Uganda. The Enrohed nursing course commenced in ‘1931 which was foliowed by the certificate program jn Laboratory techniques in 946. These programs were upgraded to diploma levels in 1972 (Diploma in Midwifery), 1974 (Diploma in nursing —extension) and 

1984 (Diploma in Laboratory Extension), Direct Nursing /Direct Midwifery were also brought on board in 0972 and 2006 respectively. Other programs have also been initiated to match the current needs in patients care, and training. These include DipÉoma in Clinicat Mentoring, (201 1) and E-learning program for Diploma in Midwifery (2012). This arrangement of online teaching enables midwives to wotk and at the same time develop their career. In 201 7, the school was yet brought to another level when the bachelor programs in Nursing and Midwifery were started. The first pioneer group graduated last year (2021) atnidst rejoicing and gladness. I thank the Lord who has seen us through May Mothev Kevin’s School grow to greater heights. 

Students Population 

The students’ population has with time grown from the initial twelve (12) midwives to over a thousand. 

Presently we have the following in the various groups: 

  • Nurses: 378
  • Midwives: 281  
  • Laboratory students: 138
  • Bachelor students: 
    • NURSES: 242 
    • MIDWIVES: 197 

Academic achievement of the School. 

The school has attained academic excellency in all programs for a number of years and has trained thousands of students in the various courses. Our graduates serve in all types of institutions be it private or public. Originally, all qualified staff were posted to Catholic health institutions throughout the country, nowadays you find them in alt units in the country, in the Region and beyond. 

Last year 2021, the school held its 28th Graduation Ceremony, where over 770 graduates were passed out, To date over 10,000 have graduated from this school. I am grateful to Mother Kevin on whose firm foundation the school has been built, School Teaching Staff 

As the saying goes, “behind any successful man there is a great Worman” similarly behind the growth and academic progress of this school, there is a 

well-trained and committed team of staff to whom I owe my gratitude, This great team comprises of 14 tutors, 8 clinical instructors, 7 clinical mentors and 38 support staff. These have shouldered this school for years as you will later hear.

Governance and Management Of the School 

The school is governed by following . 

  1. The School Governing Council 

This is responsible for overseing the school’s functions to ensure they conform to the set policies. ft meets quartery for the selection of new students, monitCys the school’s academic /disciplinary affairs and the general school governace. 

Members of the school governing council include the following; 

  1. Mrs.Specioza Mbabaaii -Chairperson 
  1. Sr. Nayiga Pauline -Deputy Chairperson 
  1. Rev. Fr. Joseph Balikuddembe Ssemmanda – Member 
  1. Dr. Andrew Ssekitooleko — CEO Nsambya Hospital  
  1. Ms. A. Dorolence Namirembe – SPNO Nsambya Hospital 
  1. Sr. Stella Josephine Namatovu – Principal Nsambya Training School 
  1. Sr, Regina Lutaaya – Principal Tutor -Midwifery School  
  1. Mrs, Regina Babise Nakakande – Principal Tutor —Laboratory school 
  1. Martin Mugenyi – Head Laboratory Department -Nsambya Hospital 
  1. Ms, Jacinta Birungi – Midwifery practice 
  1. Ms. Christine Muzaale – Nursing Practice 
  1. Mr. Paul Lutwaama – Community – LCI 

2. The Hospital Management Committee This committee plays a big role in the governance of the school and holds meeting with tutors quarterly where the day to day activities of the school are reviewed. it is chaired by the Medical Director.  

3. The Joint Education Committee (JEC) This committee reports to the School Govern Ing Council on all matters pertaining to the school It is chaired by the Senoir Principal Ninsing Officer, It sits monthly. 

4. The Education Committee: plans, monltorq, and evaluates the academic pcograms, and reports to the JEC. 

5. The Security Committee/ The school Covid Task force. 

This Committee is responsible for ensuring the safety of each individual member of the institution. It has representatives from each class and is chaired by LC Chairman of the Nsambya Hospital village. It reports to the JEC and sits quarterly. This committee oversees all matters concerning prevention and Control in the school 

History of Houses at Nsambya Training School

As the number of students increased other ideas came up and in remembrance of the great women of our school namely: 

i. Mother Mary Kevin, founder of Nsambya Hospital and its training School, and the Little Sisters of St. Francis 

 ii. Sr. Barbara Jaggar, the Principal Tutor between 


 iii. Ms. Catherine lwollu , the first black Principal 

Tutor between 1988-1992  

iv. Mrs. M. Specioza Mukasa, the first Black Hospital Matron of Nsambya Hospital. This move into the four houses enhance greatly the unity among students of the three schools. Students display various talents as they compete among themselves during Inter-house Drama completion or Interhouse Sports Competition. 

Students Associations 

In 2013, another innovation was brought on board and school Associations were formed. These were started to enhance students’ talents and appreciation of own and other peoples’ culture as they a re based on district/region oforigin. Moreover, they help in providing leisure and relaxation from 

the stress of books. In August 2014, we held our first Cultural gala. This is the latest innovation by the students’ body. It is a festival in which different associations exhibit talents in folk songs, dance and drama. They include the following: 

 Nkobazambogo — for students from Central Region 

Western Association —for Students from Western Region  

Eastern Association – For students originating from Eastern Region  

Northern Association – for students from the Northern Region

Persons who have been in the lead of training nurses and Midwives in the course of the years 

Mother Mary Kevin Kearney – 1921 

Sr. Damien Joyce -1947 

Sr. Hyacinta Hudson -1950 — Midwifery 

Sr. Mary of Lourdes -1950 -General Nursing 

Sr. Maurice O’Loughlin -1955 

Sr. Ailbe Coleman -1960 – GeneraI Nursing 

Sr. Patricia McCovey 1967 – Midwifery, 1973 – 1977 General Nursing 

Sr. Mary Burchfield -1972  

Sr. Ann McColl 1980 -General Nursing  

Ms Rosalia Kakande -1969-Midwifery 

Mrs Ochwo Marcella – 1978 – General Nursing 

Sr. Barbara Jaggar -1957-1988 (Tutor in/charge from 1966-1988) 

Ms. Catherine lwollu-1978- 1992 (1st African Principal from 1988-1992) 

Mrs Dramadri Aniceta Abio -1992-1998 (Principal) 

Sr. Stella Josephine Namatovu – (Principal) 1999 – to date 


The Nurses Anthem 

The Uganda Nurses Anthem was conoposed and taught by Sr. Barbara laggar For years now, Ugandan Nurses have adopted Nsambya Anthem as the Nurses Anthem on occassions where nurses meet. am grateful and proud of Sr. Barbara’s initiative but equally thank the Nursng frategnity for appreciating het efforts to unite all nurses and urgue Nsambya to keep the flag flying.  

The Nursing Now Anthem 

In 2018, as the world set to celebrated the 200th Birthday of Florence Nightingale in 2020, Nsambya Training was at the forefront in organising activities to commemorate the same, 

Among the variety of activities undertaken was a composition of another anthem that was appreciated by many institutions among the nurses fraternity here in Uganda and beyond. We are grateful for all who have encouraged and supported our innovations. 

New academic programs 

Clinical mentors program 

The clinical mentors’ program begun in 2011 as an effort to enhance students’ learning at the practicum. In view of the migre staff at most training schools, the move to train special caches as mentors of students was a great help and many hospitals especially in the Catholic network embraced the project, We are grateful to the graduates who are still carrying on the mentoring work. 

Bachelor programs 

Bachelor programs in both Nursing and Midwifery commenced in 2017. In 2021 the pioneec group graduated at Uganda Martyrs University. 

Social and Spiritual welfare of staff 

The school not only cares for the academic growth of its staff but cares for the social and spiritual 

welbeing of its staff too. In the course of the years, nine (9) couples have gone to the altar of the Lord the Sacrament of Holy Martrimony.  

Alumni who have joined Religious Life  

The School boasts of a number of Old Girls who have joined Religious life in various congregations.


The Goverment of Uganda and its Ministry of Education and Sports  

Iwish to thank the Ugandan Goverment for the enabling environment and peace which made it easy for the Missioneries to come and establish themselves and be able to develop our institutions to this day. I also recognise the work of the Ministry of Education and Sports for the support and guidance accorded to us in the course of the years.  

The Buganda Government 

Mother Kevin and her five companions arrived in Uganda in 1903 and were given land and settled on Nsambya hill, by the Buganda Government. The collaboration between the kingdom and the Catholic Church has invariably continued to date. This relationship greatly promotes the missionary work of Mother Kevin and has enabled the expansion of training programs in the existing infrastructure.

Ministry of Health 

A number of students have been given scholarships to accomplish various courses. This is a very good move that enables poor students to achieve their academic plans despite their financial constraits. The school has also for years benefitted from the PHC grant that has enhanced school activities. We are indeed grateful and hope this support continues in the future. 


These are the examination boards that have handled examinations for nurses/midwives and Allied health programs like Laboratory courses sincc 2008/2010 respectively. A great finprovement in the examination process has been realised and it is highly commended.  

The Uganda Nurses and Midwifery Council (UNMC) and Uganda Allied Health Council (UAHC) 

These are the Professional Councils that govern and quide the training schools. The work of the Professional Councils cannot be underestimatcd they continue to licence our graduates end to verify them prior training. We are grateful for the good working relationship and support t6e schod enjoys with these professional councils.  

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) 

The National Council for Higher Education regulates and guides the establishment and management of higher education and regulates the quality of higher education, equating qualifications and advising Goverment on matters of education. We acknowledge the support accorded us as we ventured into Bachelors’ programs. 


Nsambya training schooi is one of the few schools offering e-learning program in Midwifery, Nsambya training school together with some other few schools have worked with AMREF to pilot this program. I appreciate the material and moral support from AMREF that has enabted the success of this program. 


I appreciate the schofarship accorded to student midwives from hard to reach places who benefited from UNFPA. Ms Maria Najjemba coordinated this very well We extend ouc acknowtedqement to the management of UNFPA.  

Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) 

UCMB is the technical arm of the Hea}th Commission of the the Uganda Episcopal Conference And being the heaith office, the Health Training Institutions in the Catholic network are coordinated by Sr, Catherine Nakiboneka who has greatly brought together these institutions for better performance. We acknowledge the support this school has enloyed in the course of the years espeualty UCMB üs representation of Health training Institufions (HTls) at the Inter-ministerial Comm;ttee, and co-ordinating various scholarships eg. Gretta Foundation from which a number of studentfi have benefitted. 

BAYLOR Uganda 

Similarly a number of students from had to reach places were awarded Scholarships through Baylor Uganda for a number of years. Nsambya was one of the schools that benefitted from this project. These scholarships not only enabled many young / disadvantaged persons to realise their dreams to become medical professionals, but enhanced health care services to be delivered to persons in hard to reach areas. 

 Uganda Martyrs University (UMU)  

I am greatful to Uganda Martyrs University for the support and good working relationship we have had over the years especially for accepting us to affiliate to them for our Bachelors’ Programmes. Not only that but the University management continues to supervise and guide us. We pray that this collaboration continues in the next century . 

Anna Poot Foundation 

The Anna Poot Foundation is a small non-profit organization from the Netherlands whose objective is to support nursing and midwifery students in low income countries. In doing so the foundation has irnprove the situation of (rural) people by investing in health care. Since 2003 we have enjoyed a good partnership with the Anna Poot Foundation which has supported more than 30 nursing and midwifery students with sponsorship at this school. We are indeed grateful for this enabling support.  

Mother Kevin Centenary Block Contractor 

In a special way I want to appreciate the Art brains behind the magnificent Mother Kevin’s Centenary Block, Arch. Daniel Musana and our great Contractors -Excel Uganda Limited. We are glad to have chosen you for this project. No words can describe our gratitude for this unique art piece, we are indeed proud of you. 

Nsambya Hospital Board, Management and staff 

I wish to thank the different Boards that have directed the growth and development of this institution right fronn its infancy. The great Management teams we have worked with over the years, thank you for mothering us to date. The staff at the ward / lab we continue to appreciate your guidance and the good role models we emulate

Practicum areas 

There are various hospitals and units where our students go for their practical experiences other than Nsambya Hospital. We thank the teams that are there to welcome them and guide them. Thank you for the long collaboration we have enjoyed over the years. These hospitals [units include but are not lirnited to the following: 

  • Mulago Hospital National Specialised Hospital 
  • Butabika National Psychiatric Hospital 
  • Naguru Hospital 
  • Buluba Hospital 
  • Kisenyi Health Centre IV 
  • Kkommamboga HCIII 
  • Kawaala Health Centre IV 
  • Kitebi Health Centre III 
  • Kisugu Health Centre III


We owe lots of gratitude to our esteemed parents who have continued to trust us with children to form into medics of good standards, Mother Kevin’s seeds continue to grow in the land.  

School staff 

The journey of 100 years started w;th one step You and me have walked several steps together. the easy and hard roads, valleys and hills we have climbed, but like St, Paul we say, with ‘the grace of God! We can do alt things. thank you having chosen to work with use especia{iy thank the persons who have been here longer, more than a quarter a century 32 years (Ms. Teopista Mbatudde 30 years, Ms. Namusisi Gertrude. 26 years, Mr. Nestal Baryangireki and 25 years. Ms. Jane Frances Namukasa). in the same van, I recognize tbe 25 years, Ms. A.Dora Namirembe (SPNO) has served the school as Chairperson of the Joint Education Committee, I am grateful for the {ong and continuous dedicated services you have ali rendered to Nsambya.The rest of us, for whatever period you have served, we appreciate and pray you continue to serve with more diligence in the next 100 years,  

To our main Celebrant the Archbishop  

We thank you for gracing this occasion and for the spirtual nourishment we have hard, I am also greatful fot the Work the Church has done to enhance health care and training in Uganda and elsewhe{e in the course Of the years. in particular i thank you for support and prayers and kind messages wishing us good celebrations. May Gou continue blessing your work. 

For Chief guest cannot thank you enough foi 5paring this day to rejoice with May this collaboration continue even in the years to coine to enhance Mother Kevin’ s vision 

To our esteemed friends and benefactors who have supported our cause, and Mother Kevin’s work, May God Bless you. To al’ those who have supported and organized this occasion may God give you His choicest blessings. May Mother Kevin continue blessing us and interceding for alf of us to love and serve. For Cod and my Country. 

Sr. Stella Josephine Namatovu 


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